Comarna Modular Brace - CMB

Comarna Modular Brace or CMB is a new design in our lab that eliminate to realistic problems - how high should be this support and how much pressure do I really need for this side? Tehnicians face this problems all the time, now we can fit this using our modular system. Another big problem was the the necessity of a new brace every time the appex point moved or the rotation changed the pressure points positions. It is very important that scoliosis children to benefit for weekly or monthly fittings for an easier coorection. Do the child grow? No problem, The exoskelet remain and we can reheat the parts for a new fit - because statistics show small dimensions modifications. Because is a family bussines and we want to protect our ideas you can benefit of this design if you come to our lab.

Why we like this?

Because we make the brace once and realign it many times, easiear.